
Food, Food, Glorious Food


I've been tagged by Holler of Tinned Tomatoes to come up with 7 random "foodie" facts about myself. I've become quite fond of my Scottish friend, so I'll play along.

1. I've since mellowed, but I have been known to throw dough across the room when dissatisfied with the result.

2. Relatedly, I'm pretty sure I remember throwing some phyllo pastry (my old friend Basil could verify this) and I am certain I was angry with the whole experience. I've yet to get over my fear of phyllo pastry, though my first and last attempt worked out well if one factors out the anger and I love phyllo pastry creations besides.

3. Herbs and vegetables I started growing in pots in the backyard on Monday: Snow peas, jalapeno peppers, tomatoes, parsley, chives, lemon grass, mint, bay leaves, dill, coriander.

4. When I was a kid, I did eat meat, but I preferred beef and bacon, especially because they didn't contain bones. If served chicken from a bucket, I would consume that first, dispose of the bones, and then finish my dinner. Mind you, I used to poke at the thawing ground beef marinating in blood in disgust.

5. I once told by my mother that I would never, ever, clean out a turkey or chicken, as I watched her doing several times in disgust, though I would later consume the cooked carcass. My mom assured me that one day I would prepare a chicken for consumption, though I have proved her wrong.

6. Bacon was the last meat that I enjoyed before becoming a vegetarian.

7. The spicier, the better, and everything tastes better with red wine.

Hot Peppers


  1. You aren't missing anything by not cooking chicken!

    Thanks for alerting me to your foodie facts! :)

    I am sure lifelong vegetarians hate when people say this but "when I was a vegetarian" I used to miss my grandfathers handmade Italian sausage the most. It was thte last thing I ate before becoming a vegetarian, sadly by the time I started eating meat again, he was no longer there to make the sausage I loved so much.

  2. Good meme!
    I am seeing a whole new side to you!
    I still think bacon smells good, although I have no cravings for it. It holds good memories of when I was little. Sometimes during the holidays my dad would take me with him on buying trips and we would always start the day with a bacon roll with ketchup! It was always at a little Italian, where I would wander in the kitchen and have hugs from everyone!
    Who are you tagging for the meme Lisa?

  3. Funny when I had to give up red meat because of gout, I dreamed of tenderloin steaks for at least a year. I still have early morning bacon dreams 2 1/2 years later. I still eat a little turkey and chicken but only to make things easier on my wife and kids.

  4. I'll tag anyone who wants to play along.

    I don't miss meat at all now, and find the smell rather repulsive actually.

  5. Hah! So I am not the only person who throws things in the kitchen. LOL!

    I quite agree that everything tastes better with red wine!
