
Welcome to Lisa's Vegetarian Kitchen

Food and Wine

Welcome to my kitchen! This is the first post on my newly created blog that I hope will become a frequent stop for those of you looking for new culinary creations to prepare in your own kitchen. I will be showcasing some of my favorite recipes and cookbooks and providing some useful hints along the way. Most of the recipes you will find in these pages consist of easily available ingredients and most will be relatively easy to prepare. My goal is to make "Lisa's Kitchen" an important resource for vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike who appreciate the value of a good meal cooked with whole foods.

I have been a vegetarian for sixteen years, and part of my motivation for starting this blog is a response to the persistent question "what do vegetarians eat?" Contrary to popular belief, not all vegetarians subsist — or insist — on tofu burgers and salad greens! Nor does a vegetarian meal need to be lacking in taste and substance. And I enjoy cooking, in addition to baking. I also like trying new recipes from around the world, and while my specialty is spicy Indian creations, in the upcoming weeks, months and — I hope — years, I will be featuring a wide variety of tantalizing dishes and treats.

Let's get cooking!


  1. Kitchen? This photo looks like a bar!

  2. And a fine bar, it is. :)

  3. Hi Lisa. How are you? My name is Charlotte. I am 21 years old. I've just been reading your blog, and I have found it most interesting.
    Please check out my blog @

  4. Lisa, you have a very interesting place here...nice to see so many indian you blog from India?

  5. Srivalli;

    Thanks for stopping by. I'm located in London, Ontario, Canada.
