
Stuffed Eggplant with Paneer and Chickpeas

Stuffed Eggplant with Paneer and Chickpeas
Eggplant is one of my favorite vegetables to work with, and also, I think, one of the more under-appreciated ones in this part of the world, despite its popularity in many cuisines around the world. When I was growing up, family meals always featured vegetables, but eggplant never once made an appearance. Unlike other vegetables, it does not have much flavor one its own, but the beauty of eggplant is that, when prepared with some love and attention, it takes on the flavors of what it is combined with and then really shines in its own right.

Strawberry Jam Truffles

Strawberry Jam Truffles
Homemade treats are always far superior to store-bought versions. Apart from the ability to control the quality of your ingredients, you'll deliver up positive energy with food made with your own hands in your own kitchen — as a friend remarked, homemade treats made with good quality ingredients feel "alive". And despite what many might think, homemade truffles are remarkably easy to make, with no special equipment needed — all you need is a little bit of patience to let the ingredients cool before handling the mixture, and with the slight messy process of shaping the truffles into the final bite-sized version.