
Thai-Inspired Black Rice and Mushroom Salad

Thai-Inspired Black Rice and Mushroom Salad

Black rice — also known as purple rice as it takes on a purple hue when cooked, and also as forbidden rice or emperor's rice because it used to be reserved exclusively for the Chinese emperor as it was believed to ensure good health and longevity — is not to be mistaken with wild rice, which is not technically rice at all but actually a species of aquatic grass. Black rice — like brown or white rice — is a member of the grain family, and has a slightly nutty flavor with a pleasant chewy texture that holds well together when cooked. The Chinese emperors did have a good thing going for them, because not only is this rice delicious and satisfying, black rice is rich in antioxidants and is a good source of fiber and protein. It happens to be ideal for salads and stir-fries, and is often made for breakfast. It is also just lovely with some miso or tamari as a side to a meal, and if your meal is Asian-inspired, then you may want to consider this treasured grain.